Half Day Seminar on Climate Change - Mitigation and Adaptation to commemorate the International Earth Day - Saturday April 30, 2016 at 3:00 pm
A Half Day Seminar on Climate Change - Mitigation and Adaptation to commemorate the International Earth Day was held on Saturday the 30th April, 2016 at IEP Convention Center, 5th Floor, IEP Building, Karachi.
Earth Day is an annual event, and is celebrated worldwide on April 22, to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was first celebrated in 1970, and is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network and celebrated in more than 192 countries every year.
The Seminar started from recitation of Holy Quran by Engr. Malik Nasir Mahmood followed by National Anthem and an International Earth Day song.
Engr. Prof. Dr. S.F.A. Rafeeqi, Chairman, IEP Karachi Centre presented the welcome address. He acknowledged and praised the outstanding efforts of Engr. Asfia Aleem; Chairperson of the Women Engineers Committee and her team in organizing an exclusive event of its kind held at the IEP, reflecting the dedication of the Women Engineers Organizing Committee.
Engr. Ayaz Mirza, Secretary IEP Karachi Centre presented an overview of the Institution of Engineers Pakistan. He also appreciated the efforts of IEP Karachi Centre Women Engineers Committee particularly Engr. Asfia Aleem Chairperson of the Women Engineers Committee for making the event a success.
Engr. Beena Riaz ably conducted the seminar.
The presence of galaxy of professionals and their patient hearing for the half day event was clear evidence of the success of a very well organized Seminar.
Concluding remarks were given by Engr. Prof. Dr. S.F.A. Rafeeqi, Chairman, IEP Karachi Centre and he appreciated the efforts put up by the IEP office bearers and members of the Organizing Committee, particularly the Women Engineers Committee. He expressed great satisfaction on the dedication of the honourable members of the Local Council and reassured that IEP will continue to organize Seminar/Workshops/Panel Discussion on the mega issues.
Engr. Prof. Dr. S.F.A. Rafeeqi, Chairman, IEP Karachi Centre, Engr. Ayaz Mirza, Secretary IEP Karachi Centre accompanied with Engr. Asfia Aleem, and Engr. Sohail Bashir presented the Seminar shields to the Speakers alongwith a group photograph.
The following papers were presented by distinguished speakers in the Seminar.
"The following papers were presented by distinguished speakers in the Seminar."
1- “Climate Change Fact Sheet”
Engr. Beena Riaz, Member Women Engineers Committee, IEP Karachi Centre
“Urbanization, Migrations and Climate Change: Critical Issues and Possible Remedial”
Prof. Dr. Noman Ahmed–Chairman, Architecture and Planning Department NED University of Engineering and Technology, Karachi
3- “Sustainable City Karachi - Challenges and Opportunities”
Engr. Farhan Anwer– Executive Director Sustainable Initiatives
4- “Climate Resilient Buildings”
Engr. Rukhsana Rahooja– Ex Chairperson, Council For Works and Housing Research and Member Women Engineers Committee IEP Karachi Centre
The event formally came to an end with the vote of thanks by Engr. Beena Riaz. The seminar ended followed by high tea.
75 delegates were registered from various organizations/Universities including members of the Local Council.
The Seminar carried 0.5 CPD points.
Engr.Ayaz Mirza, FIE(Pak)
IEP Karachi Centre
4th Floor, IEP Building, 177/2, Liaquat Barracks,
Opp: Hotel Regent Plaza, Shahrah-e-Faisal,
Tel: 021-32780233, 32781492,
Fax: 021-32783442
Web: www.iepkarachi.org.pk
