Half Day Seminar on Thar Coal Project
20th August, 2016 at 3:00 pm
A Half Day Seminar on “Thar Coal Project” was held on Saturday the 20th August, 2016 at IEP Convention Center, 5th Floor, IEP Building, Karachi.
Pakistan has emerged as one of the leading countries - seventh in the list of top 20 countries of the world after the discovery of huge lignite coal resources in Sindh in 1991. The deposits - 16th largest coal reserves in the world spread over 9,600 sq. km area and comprise around 175 billion tones - sufficient to meet the country’s fuel requirements for centuries. The Thar coalfield is located in Thar Desert, Tharparkar District of Sindh province in Pakistan. The area has been divided into 13 blocks where exploration and assessment of coal resources has been completed and vital infrastructure schemes like airport, road network, railways link, water supply and electricity transmission lines have either been completed or currently are at various stages of implementation. This seminar aims to cover various aspects of the ongoing development projects in Thar Coal Fields.
This seminar is the fifth event of a series of monthly events, organised by the Women Engineers Committee of the Institution of Engineers Pakistan, Karachi Centre (IEP-KC) for the year 2016.
The Seminar started from recitation of Holy Quran followed by National Antheum and Thari song.
Engr. Prof. Dr. S.F.A. Rafeeqi, Chairman, IEP Karachi Centre presented the welcome address. He acknowledged and praised the outstanding efforts of IEP Karachi Centre Women Engineers Committee and particularly Engr. Asfia Aleem; Chairperson and her team in organizing an exclusive event of its kind held at the IEP, reflecting the dedication of the Women Engineers Organizing Committee.
Engr. Ayaz Mirza, Secretary IEP Karachi Centre presented an overview of the Institution of Engineers Pakistan. He also appreciated the efforts of IEP Karachi Centre Women Engineers Committee, particularly Engr. Asfia Aleem Chairperson of the Women Engineers Committee, Engr. Beena Riaz, Engr. Rukhsana Rahooja and Engr. Bushra Nadeem Mufti in making the event a success.
Engr. Beena Riaz conducted the seminar.
The presence of galaxy of professionals and their patient hearing was clear evidence of the success of a well-organized Seminar.
Following papers were presented by distinguished speakers in the Seminar.
“Tharparker and its Resources”
Engr. A. A. Chandani, Member, IEP
“Thar Coal: A Gateway to Energy Security”
Mr. Nasir Soomro, Assistant Director, Coal Mines Development Department

“Prospects for Coal to Liquids (CTL) Technology Utilizing Thar Coal in Pakistan”
Engr. Dr. Azim Akbar, Expert Thermal Power and Process Engineering

“Potential of Thar Coal for Energy Generation: Problems and Mitigation Measures”
Engr. Dr. Kishan Chand Mukwana, Associate Professor (Energy & Environment Engineering Department), Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering, Science & Technology.

“Managing Change in Thar”
Engr. M.A.Shishmahal, Environment, Remediation and Waste Management Specialist, MM Pakistan (Pvt) Limited.

Concluding remarks were given by Mr. Javed Jabbar Former Senator and Information Minister a prominent Pakistani writer, advertising executive, politician, intellectual, scholar, artist, mass communications expert and. He appreciated the efforts put up by the, Chairman, Secretary and IEP Karachi Centre office bearers and members of the Organizing Committee, particularly the Women Engineers Committee and hope that IEP will continue to organize Seminar/Workshops/Panel Discussion on the mega issues.
Engr. Prof. Dr. S.F.A. Rafeeqi, Chairman, IEP Karachi Centre, Engr. Ayaz Mirza, Secretary IEP Karachi Centre accompanied with Engr. Asfia Aleem, presented the Seminar shields to the Speakers alongwith a group photograph.
The event formally came to an end with the vote of thanks by Engr. Rukhsana Rahooja, Ex-Chairperson Council for Works and Housing Research and a very active Member of Women Engineers Committee, IEP Karachi Centrre. The seminar ended followed by high tea.
104 delegates were registered from various organizations/Universities including members of the Local Council.
The Seminar carried 0.5 CPD points.
Engr.Ayaz Mirza, FIE(Pak)
IEP Karachi Centre
4th Floor, IEP Building, 177/2, Liaquat Barracks,
Opp: Hotel Regent Plaza, Shahrah-e-Faisal,
Tel: 021-32780233, 32781492,
Fax: 021-32783442
Web: www.iepkarachi.org.pk