Half day Seminar to Celebrate International Women Day – Pledge for Parity - Saturday 19th March, 2016 at IEP Convention Center
Half day Seminar to celebrate International Women Day was held on Saturday the 19 March, 2016, at IEP Convention Center. The Theme of the Seminar was “Pledge for Parity”.
International Women’s Day is globally held on March 08 to celebrate women’s achievements throughout history and across nations. The event aimed to highlight the current status of working women, especially engineers in the country and attempted to suggest the way forward for improvement.
The Seminar started from recitation of Holy Quran by Engr. Sadia Muniza Faraz and followed by national anthem.
Engr. Prof. Dr. S.F.A. Rafeeqi, Chairman, IEP Karachi Centre presented the welcome address. He acknowledged the outstanding achievements of Engr. Asfia Aleem convener of the Women Engineers Committee and also praised the efforts of the members of women engineers committee for organizing an exclusive event of its kind held at the IEP, reflecting the dedication of the women engineers organizing committee.
Engr. Nooruddin Ahmed, in his speech appreciated the efforts put up by IEP Karachi Centre Women Engineers Committee, office bearers and members of the organizing committee. He expressed hope that women engineers will continue to gather here, identify their problems and find practical solutions by taking ownership. He reassured that IEP will continue to support them in all respects.
Engr. Beena Riaz conducted the seminar.
Engr. Ayaz Mirza, Secretary IEP Karachi Centre accompanied with Engr. Sohail Bashir, Vice-Chairman (Civil) IEP Karachi Centre and Engr. Asfia Aleem, presented the Seminar shields and memento to the Authors.
The following papers were presented in the Seminar.
1-"Women as Builders"
Engr. Rashid Soni, General Manager Projects, Abdullah Groups

2-"Women in Chemical Engineering"
Engr. Dr. Shagufta Ishtiyaque. Incharge (Asstt Professor), Chemical Engineering Department, karachi University

3-"Journey to Success"
Engr. Ameerunisa Umrani, Engineer (Civil), Pakistan Petroleum Limited.

4-"You can do it"
Engr. S.M.Pervez Sadiq, Former Vice-Chairman (Industrrial), IEP Karachi Cenre

5-"Interventions by Government of Sindh for Women Development”
Engr. Rehana Ghulam Ali Memon, Secretary (Development), Planning & Developmetn Department, Government of Sindh

The event formally came to an end with concluding remarks and vote of thanks by Engr. Ayaz Mirza, FIE(Pak), Secretary, IEP Karachi Centre.
1- 50 delegates were registered from various organizations/Universities.
The Seminar carried 0.5 CPD points.
2- The Seminar was a success and well attended
The Seminar was a success and well attended.
Thanking you
Yours sincerely,
For further information please Contact:
Engr. Ayaz Mirza, FIE (Pak)
IEP Karachi Centre
32780233, 32781492
(+9221) 32783442