The 45th
IEP Convention was held on 21st& 22nd December,
2012 at Karachi. Engr. Dr. A. Q.Khan, NI & Bar, HI was the Chief
Guest at the Inaugural Session.
The Inaugural Session
was held on Friday the 21st December, 2012 and started from recitation
of Holy Quran by Engr. Ali Bin Sohail. Engr. Syed JamshedRizvi,
Chairman, IEP Karachi Centre presented the welcome address. The
Kenote speech was presented by Engr.Dr.SaroshHashmat Lodi, Dean
Civil/Architecture Engineering of NED. Engr. Sohail Bashir conducted
the Inaugural Session. Engr. Zaffar A. Zuberi, President, IEP and
Engr. Mian Sultan Mehmood, Secretary General, IEP spoke on the occasion.
Engr. Ayaz Mirza presented the Vote of Thanks.
Engr. Zaffar A. Zuberi,
President presented the IEP Shield to the Chief Guest.
Engr. Dr. A. Q. Khan
presented the IEP Fellowship Certificates to Engr. Ayaz Mirza and
Engr. Gulzar A. Memon.
The Technical Session
was held on Saturday the 22nd December, 2012.
The Convention was
spread over Five Technical Sessions which were conducted simultaneously
in the five newly developed facilities at 5th floor, IEP Building.
Following is the details.
FEISCA Seminar on
Regional Cooperation for Disaster Management in Collaboration with
Federation of Engineering Institutions of South & Central Asia,
AND NED University of Engineering & Technology at 5th Floor,
IEP Convention Centre
Engr. Prof.Dr.SahibzadaFarooq
Ahmed Rafeeqi, Pro Vice-Chancellor NED University of Engineering
& Technology chaired the Seminar and Engr. Dilip Kumar Jha,
President Nepal Engineers Association co-chaired the seminar. The
following papers were presented:
is Modern: Vernacular Architecture in Seismic Areas by Mr. Randolph
Langenbach, through Skype from USA.
Functions for Buried Pipeline in Seismic Areas” by Prof.Adnan
Rais, NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi
“Critical Overview
on the Seismic design of Steel Moment Resisting Frames” by
Muhammad TayyabNaqash, Department of Engineering and Geology, University
of Chieti-Pescara, Mr.Gianfranco De Matties and Mr.Antonello De
Luca, Italy
“Seismic Retrofitting
of Strucutures” by Porf.RanjithDissanayake, Department of
Civil Engineering , Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya,
Sri Lanka.
Response Geo-Meeting System (ERGMS): A Real –Time Participatory
Spatial Decision Support Tool in Disaster”by Ms. Farah Rashid
and Mr.M.A.Butt, The Urban Unit, Planning & Development Department,
Government of Punjab, Pakistan
“Real Time
Integrated Disaster Management System (RIDMAS) “ by Ms. HinaAbrar&
Dr. Atif But, The Urban Unit, Planning & Development Department,
Government of Punjab, Pakistan
Experimental and
Numerical Investigation on the Visitation Church in PoggioPicenze”
(AQ) by Mr. Antonio Formisano, Gilda Florio, RaffaeleLandolfo. Italy.
on TharCoal (at 5th Floor, IEP Convention Centre)
Mr.Aijaz Ali Khan
Secretary, Coal & Energy Development Department, Government
Sindh chaired the Seminar and Engr.AbdullahFarooqui, Vice-Chairman
IEP, Karachi Centre, co-chaired the seminar. The following papers
were presented:
Coal Gasification and Power Generation: Health Safety and Environment
Aspects” by Mr.Muhammad Imran Jarral, Mr.Dileep Kumar, Mr.AhmedSaeed,
Mr.Zulfiqar Ali Larik, Dr. Muhammad Saleem, UCG Thar Coal Project,
Thar Coal-Myths,
Facts & Challenges” by Mr.SyedAbulFazalRizvi, Business
Development Manager, Sindh Engro Coal Mining Company
Coal Gasification and Power Generation; the Operational Aspects”
by Mr.Muhammad Ismail Bohar, Mr. Muhammad Imran Jarral, Mr. AmeerBuxBurdi,
Mr.AbdulQayyum, Mr. Muhammad ShamimBhatti, UCG Thar Project, Islamkot
Poly Generation Potential
of Thar Coal” by Engr.Muhammad Faraz Yousfi
“Thar Coal-Means
to Energy Security for Pakistan” by Mr.Ajaz Ali Khan, Secretary,
Coal & Energy Development Department, Government of Sindh
on Air Transport Industry in collaboration with Pakistan Division,
Royal Aeronautical Society (at 5th Floor, Seminar Hall) 09:30 am-
1:30 pm
Air Marshal (Retd) M. AzimDaudpota, FRAeS, Former Governor Sindh
chaired the
Seminar and Air Marshal (Retd) SalimArshad, FRAeS President, Pakistan
RAeS.co-chaired the seminar. The following papers were presented:
“Air Transport- Its Origins until its Coming of Age in Jet
Aircraft” by Capt. (Retd) J.S.M. “Johnny” Sadiq,
Formerly Chief Pilot Safety, Pakistan International Airlines.
“Identifying Maintenance Management Challenges Faced by Charter
Operators” by Brig. SuhailNasir, General Manager, Quality
Assurance, Princely Jets.
“Air Crash-Victims Perspective”
by Mr. S.M.Anwer, Director, Legal Services, Shaheen Air.
“Flight Data
Monitoring-An Effective Tool for Aviation Safety Enhancement and
Accident Prevention” by Lt. Col (Retd) Shaukat Ibrahim, Flight
Data Monitoring.
Seminar on
Health, Safety & Environment
Engr.W.J.L.S. Fernando
President-Elect, The Institution of Engineer’s Sri Lanka chaired
the Seminar and Dr.Rashid Ahmed Khan, NED University of Engineering
& Technology,
& Coordinator, Technical Committee Co-Chaired. The following
papers were
“An Empirical
Assessment of Subcontractors Perception of Safety and Factors Affecting
Safety Performance of Subcontractors in the US Contractor Industry”
by Prof.Rizwan u Farooqui, NED University of Engineering & Technology
“Water Conservation
and Management in Bangladesh Context” by Prof. QaziAzizulMowla,
Department of Architecture, Bangladesh University of Engineering
& Technology.
“An Exploratory
Study Probing into the Factors Causing Safety Non-Performance in
the Pakistani construction Industry” by Dr.Rizwan u Farooqui,
NED University of Engineering & Technology.
“Construction Safety in Pakistan’s
Oil and Gas Sector” by Engr.Sohail Bashir, Engr.M.Idris Khan
and Engr.FarooqArbi, Engr.AijazulHaq,Engr.RasheedTareen.
Session on Civil Engineering
Prof. QaziAzizulMowla,
Bangladesh University of Engineering Chaired the session and Dr.
M.Masood Rafi, NED University of Engineering & Technology, Pakistan
& Coordinator, Technical Committee co-chaired the session. The
following papers were presented:
“Elastic Properties
of open cell Metallic Foams Using Finite Element Analysis and Homogenization
Technique” by Prof. S.A.S.P.Sathursinghe, Prof. K.R.B Herath
and Prof. S.R.Herath, Department of Civil Engineering, University
of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
“Road Safety
Improvement Model for Karachi” by Prof. Dr. Mir Shabbar Ali,
NED University of Engineering & Technology
“Modeling Flood
Assessment for a Northern Watershed in Pakistan” by Prof.
Dr. Syed Imran Ahmed, NED University of Engineering & Technology,
Karachi , Pakistan
“Design and
Evaluation of GIS Based Real Time Municipality Management System
(RTMMS)” by Ms. Sana Khushi, Mr. M. A. Butt, The Urban Unit,
Planning & Development Department, Government of the Punjab,
Lahore, and Dr.Sajid Rashid Ahmed, Assistant Professor, Coordinator
Geometrics Graduate Program, President, Punjab Geological Society
Lahore Pakistan, Institute of Geology, University of Punjab, Lahore.
of Lightweight Aggregates for Making Structural Concrete Using Pelletization
Method and Blended Dry Mixes of Hard Shale Clay Materials”
by Mr.Abdul Bari Mangi, Principal Research Office, Engr.Jawed Ali
Rizvi, Principal Research Officer, Engr.RukhsanaRahooja, Chief Research
Officer, Engr.MuhammadSaeed, Senior Research Officer and Engr.Asif
Hussain, Research Officer, CWHR, Karachi
Session on Mechanical Engineering
Er.Dilip Kumar Jha,
Vice-President, Nepal Engineer’s Association chaired the session
and Engr.S.M.Pervez Sadiq, CEO, LUM Engineering & Coordinator,
Technical Committee co-chaired the session. The following papers
were presented:
of Simulation Tool for Finding Optimum Tilt-Angles for Solar Collectors”
by Prof. NaveedurRehman, Prof. Mubashir Ali Siddiqui, Department
of Mechanical Engineering, NED, University of Engineering &
“Modeling of
fluid dynamics and heat transfer in membrane module channels”
by Dr. Muhammad Shakaib, Department of Mechanical Engineering Department,
NED University of Engineering & Technology
of Heat Transfer Behavior of a Finned Solar Air Collector Using
Fluent” by Prof. Anjum Khalid, H.Junaidi, NED University of
Engineering & Technology.
“Model Development
and Control Strategies for a solar System Combined with Heat Pump”
by Mr.MuhammadWaseem Ahmed, School of Civil and Building Engineering,
Dr. Eftekhari, Dr. Thomas Steffen, School of Aeronautical and Automotive
Engineering, University of Loughborough, UK
Session on Electrical Engineering
Er.Kishore Kumar
Jha, Nepal Engineer’s Association Chaired the session and
Engr.AdilUsman, CEO, Associated Technical Consultant Pvt. Limited
Co-Chaired the Session. Following papers were presented.
“Electric Vehicle Revolution: Another Ship that will be Missed
by Pakistan” by Dr.NasimA.Khan, Executive Director, Osmani&
Company (Pvt) Limited
“Power Quality
Analysis of UPS Using Wavelet Analysis” by Mr.Abdullah Munir,
Mr.OwaisJawaid, Mr.JunaidA.Qureshi, NED University of Engineering
& Technology
Energy Liquid Fuels-An Option for Pakistan” by Mr. Khalid
A. Hashmi, Canmet ENERGY R & D Centre, Natural Resources Canada.
Foreign Guest participated in the Convention from Various Countries:
- Engr.TayyabNaqash- Italy
- Dr.& Mrs. AzizulMowla- Bangladesh
- Engr Mrs Kishore Kumar Jah –
- Engr. Dilip Kumar Jha- Nepal
- Engr.BinodBhattarai- Nepal
- Engr.BirodhRijal- Nepal
- Engr.RameshBasnet - Nepal
- Engr.ShaileshPokharel - Nepal
- Engr.HomNathPaudel- Nepal
- Engr.Ishwor Chandra Marahatta-
- Mrs. Sharma Gnawali- Nepal
- Mrs. IllyaBhattari- Nepal
- Mrs. BintaBhat- Nepal
- Mrs. SusmitaKoirala- Nepal
- Engr. Punch Bandage RanjithDissanayake
- Engr.W.J.L.S. Fernando- Sri-
- Engr.S.A.S.PSathurisnghe- Sri-Lanka
A souvenir
was published on the occasion. Messages from the following dignitaries
were received and published in the souvenir.
- President, Islamic Republic of
- Barrister MaqsoodKausar, Governor
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
- Sardar Muhammad Latif Khan Khosa,
Governor Punjab
- Dr.A.Q.Khan, NI & Bar, HI,
Chief Guest
- Engr.GregoryE.Diloreto, President,
American Society of Civil Engineering
- Engr.Zaffaruddin Ahmed Zuberi,
President, IEP
- Engr. Mian Sultan Mehmood, Secretary
General, IEP
- Engr.SyedJamshedRizvi, Chairman,
IEP Karachi Centre
- Engr.Rear Admiral (Retd) M.I.Arshad,
Past Chairman, IEP, Karachi Centre
- Engr.Sohail Bashir, Convener,
45th IEP Convention
- Engr. Ayaz Mirza, Secretary,
IEP Karachi Centre
The following
Organizations sponsored the Convention by advertisements.
- Saita Pakistan Pte. Limited
- Creative Group
A closing ceremony
of the Convention was also held in the evening of 22nd December,
2012 Engr.M. Farhat Khan, Ex- MNA was the Chief Guest and Engr.Rear
Admiral (Retd) M.I.Arshad was the Guest of Honor. Convention dinner
was held after the closing ceremony same day in the night.
